Compare PDP’s ProScan to DiSC
Determine which assessment is right for your business’ people management needs.
ProScan Survey
DiSC Assessment
Both assessments are untimed and don’t have a limit, however these are the average completion times
The number of questions the behavioral assessment includes for the survey-taker to answer.
How an individual approaches tasks and accomplishes goals.

The amount of energy consumed to adapt to stress and pressure.

Is the person thriving with their perceived pressures or is it overwhelming?

How much fact vs. intuition does an individual rely on to make a decision?

Likert scales gauge response intensity on a range from least to most, mitigating bias and enhancing data quality.

A CFA is the gold standard in statistical evaluation of assessments and involves highly rigorous research.

Education for the user role to ensure maximum results when administering, interpreting, and leveraging profile measurements

Verifies that the assessment doesn’t discriminate against protected classes.

Does the assessment categorize an individual intospecified profiles, and how many profiles are available?
Rewards or elements that increase satisfaction.
Often measured by Chronbach’s alpha, reliability refers to internal consistency and dependability.
Most studies are performed with undergrad college students, which can skew and weaken results.
Does the system monitor whether the respondent is faking their way through the assessment questions?

When you need to tap into the full potential of your workforce, count on PDP Global to provide an accurate, reliable, and practical people management system that inspires your culture and ignites productivity.

Who Uses PDP?
Hundreds of client organizations in over 23 countries trust PDP to support their most important workforce initiatives.

Designed for Business Use
Although businesses are using DiSC more often, DiSC is not approved for any part of the pre-hiring process. Behavioral assessments that are not tested for bias and discrimination can lead businesses into legal trouble. Plus, DiSC cannot be used to predict future job performance, so is better used for personal growth and awareness rather than an organized people management system.
✓ PDP Global
PDP assessments are EEOC and ADA compliant, following standards set by the American Psychological Association and Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. ProScan has specifically been tested and found free of bias against protected classes like race, gender, and age. Our studies also show that ProScan has predictive validity, meaning that businesses can reliably tie its results to job performance KPIs.

Expertly Managed In-House
DiSC doesn’t require individuals to complete any training or certification before reading their results or administering assessments. Without verifying that someone knows how to properly implement a behavioral assessment, your business is at risk of introducing discrimination into its processes and misunderstanding the meaning behind results.
✓ PDP Global
All administrators of the PDP suite of assessments must complete an online or in-person certification course beforehand. That way, people within your organization know how to practically apply and leverage PDP insights for immediate success in communication, leadership, and employee development. We give your business the structure it needs to manage PDP in-house without straining your internal resources.

Transparent and Comprehensive
An individual needs to purchase the Everything DiSC Manual in order to dig into the research studies that support DiSC. No Exploratory or Confirmatory Factor Analysis studies are mentioned, which are necessary statistical evaluations to verify the effectiveness of an assessment. Also, an organization must purchase six different reports for insights about management, conflict, and leadership as opposed to everything combined into one report.
✓ PDP Global
Our unparalleled research performed by independent third parties, including 11 Exploratory Factor Analyses and 3 Confirmatory Factor Analyses, is publicly available on our website for anyone to review. Over 39,000 working adults participated in our studies, and our phenomenal 98% accuracy score is the highest in the industry. Our reports include behavioral insights on leadership, communication, energy styles, and more to effectively manage teams, reduce conflict, and develop employees.

Learn more about PDP and get started with our proven people management system to inspire your culture and ignite productivity today! Contact our team to get a demo, request pricing, or ask any questions.