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man applying sales skills from the PowerApp Sell workshop

Stop Losing Sales

The sale that got away is your greatest opportunity for revenue.

Rescue Lost Sales Opportunities 

Too many sales are lost due to communication conflicts between your sales team and customers.

The SELL Breakthrough Strategies for Sales Performance course empowers your salespeople to:

  • Recognize and take ownership of revenue opportunities lost due to differing communication styles
  • Give up less often and reduce justifications as to why prospective customers didn’t buy
  • Adapt to any customer’s buying style
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Soft skills that build relationships

This half-day workshop provides sales reps with enhanced self-awareness of their inherent and conditioned communication styles. They will also learn to recognize and adapt to various communication styles of buyers. 


Already have a great program?

This program effectively complements and strengthens any existing training program by infusing the science of understanding yourself and the inherent triggers that cause conflict with the buying styles and preferences of prospective and existing customers. Sales associates who attend receive a personal ProScan behavioral assessment report to use as a foundation for understanding their sales style and the pressures they experience when connecting with people they encounter—regardless of their buying style.

Facilitation typically requires 3-5 hours broken up into two sessions.


Take the next steps towards improving selling capabilities