Leverage the system to guide your talent management strategy and find a better way to attract and retain top talent.
It goes without saying, making a bad hire is costly. Losing top talent can have a negative impact on your growth and set you back.
The traditional approach to solving the problem only treats the symptoms such as turnover. The root of the problem is the lack of an emotional connection with your organization.
As Simon Sinek, author on how great leaders and organizations think, act and communicate, wisely said, "Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first."
So, how do you create a workplace your employees love?
The core of the PDP System is the ProScan, a powerful assessment tool that identifies the behaviors, motivators, and energy levels of individuals.
The robust JobScan report based on your top performers provides "How to Advertise" keywords to create meaningful job descriptions that attract quality candidates.
With a pipeline of quality candidates, you and your hiring managers can make hiring decisions based on the right fit for the right job and increase your probability of success.
You can design an onboarding process based on the profiles of new hires so you can provide the best possible experiences.
"We developed 'a dispatcher profile' and job advertisement, both of which have proven to be successful . . . our current turnover rate is 2.8 percent. Our personnel regularly display enthusiasm and a strong commitment to work ethic and professionalism."
HR Leader